i did a good hair cut to my dad my first time and i got a hair cut from my dad it was cool and made taugt my littel cousin brother how to kick a ball i was happy because i saw him have a lot of fun.
today i helped my dad do the lawn moving and dried the clothes and i helped my grand mother fix the new cupboard in the hall.i felt really happy cause my grand mother made me cakes in for return.
i had my friend down to my house for a sleepover and i made the bed and made the dinner so my mother did not need to do any work so she could have a rest .
i helped my mom iron the clothes and my dad play golf and i helped my dad carry the bag and i know he was happy cause he enjoyed the game with no worries.
helped my sister choose her dress and taugt my friend how to take a converison kick on rugby he reall appreicated it so he taught me how to make my run way faster.
today i washed my dishes for my parents and cooked the dinner for my sister and vaccumed the house.the worst thing about this is that i do this normaly every day even though mom dindnt say thanks my sister told thank
www.freerice.com I donated rice to poor children by this online game it helps lot of people and you learn lots of things you choose which subject you want
I made my friends smile it was cool and made me happy see them smile i have learned that if u make others happy they make you happy always answer anything with a smile and confidence cause it comes back around like if u are ion trouble they help you with a smile not with angers.
i am a guy who likes reasearching things and ama scientific and like things that are intresting,i read a lot of blogs and try to make people as happy as i could.